Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Five

I have to admit I was never in love, but only the idea of love.
Selfishness flooded every part and desire in me.
The idea was what consumed me.
I was never honest.
I was never worthy to be trusted.
It worked out the way it should have.

The love for the idea has always been there.
My heart was miles from yours yet close enough to be caught on fire.
I was looking for ways around your flaws.
I was looking for an island to hold on to.
I tried passing the lighthouse with a broken light.
But along the way I was caught in the rocks. Pity.

Now with you I hung on your tongue like a flame.
Every word you didn't speak was a thousand years of regret.
Every word you did speak built a tower with no foundation.
Your actions might have well been the straw that broke the camel's back.
You were the needle in the hay stack, I found it and put it back.
Now your gone in the wind, never knowing if you'll be back.
A new scent will surely come.

There were no words that gave my heart rest.
I tried and tried to be the best.
I let you go like a bottle in the sea.
Trying to find your way through the storms and tides.
All the time wishing you'd wash up by my side.
But you're anchored to the bottom, and I'm too scared to swim.
Drowning in the life you created, you can't pull yourself up.
Happiness is what you wanted, now silence is your loudest sound.

Now this time it was all my fault.
I put you there when I shouldn't have.
I beat you when I shouldn't have.
I tried to cover it up, but you saw right through.
I denied you. I rejected you.
I didn't even know you or love you at all.
I tried to go on without and I couldn't.
I tried to ignore you and still you showed up and called me out.
Like a summer storm the rain came and clouds were dark.
The clouds beckoned a roar and put up a fight.
The next day the sun was faithful to shine through.
Everything I did you let go.
I'm still learning to love and have faith in you.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

- Kale

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